So I was sitting in Crash on Sunday night and something was said that sparked in my brain. Kyle was talking about following the rules vs the relationship with have with God. If we are only living a life where we are just simply following rules, checking Him off our to do list, but not truly investing in the Lord, we are totally missing the point. Often I hear students say, "Well I pray and try to talk to God, but I never hear anything... I am totally living for Him...Everything is fine..." Then, I hear their conversations or see their Facebook statuses and posts and see where their real focus lies. They completely contradict that statement. So often we want to have God at our beckon call, and if He isn't, we feel abandoned or hurt. Why do we feel that? Nowhere did He promise, "Anytime you want to use Me for your benefit, I will be there"...that's not how it is supposed to work. That night, I went home and reflected on the question that Kyle asked. He asked, "Where is your heart?"
I ended up writing a song about it...
Going through the motions
Just another day, just another night
You put all else above Him
You can have a chat
When you find the time
Then you call out to Him
But you can't hear His voice
How will you ever hear Him
When He's not your first choice
Where is your heart?
Where is your sight?
If it's always on you
You will never find the light
There's so much more
Than just you and I
Where is your heart?
Can you see the light?
You show up every Sunday
You know all the words
To every single song
You study all the stories
Answer all the questions
Never answer wrong
You question His presence
Why can't you feel him tonight
How will you ever feel Him
If you won't walk by His side
Where is your heart?
Where is your sight?
If it's always on you
You will never find the light
There's so much more
Than just you and I
Where is your heart?
Can you see the light?