So, I have a bunch of stuff on my mind lately. Just want to put it somewhere. I had to create this blog for a class a while back and I figured why not utilize it. I'm not really concerned if anyone does or doesn't read it. It's truly just for me. I may post some private ones, and I may just put it all out there.
I guess I just want an outlet for several things. For good and bad, for joy and pain. I just want somewhere to put it and get it out of my head and heart. Maybe if I physically see the words on the page, it will make something click inside me or give me some kind of revelation. Not sure...
I just know that there are days when I get so mixed up. Where I get so sidetracked and blinded by so much the world is throwing at me. The things I want do not coincide with the things I actually NEED.
When it comes down to it, all I truly need is my God, my Christ and the Holy Spirit that lays inside me. I am still on fire for the Lord, but I'm not giving Him all of me. I'm at a point in my life now where something has to change. I'm praying that this blog, journal, diary or whatever it is labeled can help me fight through my daily struggles and bring some clarity. I hope it challenges me to dig deeper, pray harder and fight for the Truth and the Light...
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